Flamingo has opened testing for its updated on-chain limit ordering solution, OrderBook+ 2.0. OrderBook+ 2.0 offers a CEX-like trading experience, offering limit and market orders while remaining completely on-chain.
Following the release of MainNet, all swap functionality on Flamingo will be routed through the order book, unifying liquidity and trade execution and better optimizing GAS costs.
Participants can access the test environment via the Flamingo test frontend, with TestNet tokens available on request in the #testnet-funds channel of Flamingo Discord.

OrderBook+ 2.0 Test version (Source: Flamingo)
These tokens, varying amounts of FLM, fUSDT, fWBTC and GAS, can be used to interact with the OrderBook+ 2.0 module. The focus of this testing phase is to evaluate the performance of smart contracts and transactions, with user interface updates expected in later phases.
The public testing phase will continue until all issues are resolved. The next steps include a community testing phase, the opportunity for additional security audits of any complex bugs identified during testing, and finally a launch on MainNet.
The original announcement can be found via the link below: