Token Terminal has shared the details across the leading block chains according to their monthly active user statistics. The highest number of active users was registered by Solana ($ Sol) with 97.8 million. Solana Blockchain shows the highest level of user involvement. The increase in Solana with active users has the result of rapid transaction processing, while decentralized applications (DAPPs) and the decentralized financial (Defi) sector increase its user file.
Top block chains by monthly active users
Monthly active users measure the number of different addresses that interact with the relevant contracts of block chains. According to the data from @tokenderminal, @Solana, @bnbchain, @base, @trondao and @APtos, the biggest songs of … have signed
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(@Crypto_dep) 7 February 2025
Binance Smart Chain ($ BNB) attracted around 33.8 million monthly active users who positioned it after Solana. Binance Smart Chain retains a high user involvement because users benefit from low costs together with a wide selection of decentralized applications. The integration with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) became a key factor for the constant expansion.
Basic, TRON and APTOS form the upper ranks of blockchain platforms
Base Blockchain has reached 21.5 million monthly active users since Coinbase has established it as a low 2 scale solution. The connected ecosystem from Coinbase makes a smooth transition from centralized to decentralized financing due to the rising adoption level of the blockchain.
Tron survived a steady growth when his $ trx -token reached fourth position with 13.3 million active users. Tron maintains its popularity mainly due to low costs and fast processing speed with which users can opt for decentralized applications, in particular gaming and entertainment applications.
APTOS ($ apt) was the fifth ranking order blockchain network with 13.2 million users. Faster transactions and the distinctive consensus protocol have expanded the number of users who interact interaction with Tron ($ TRX).
Other remarkable block chains in user activity
Bitcoin ($ BTC) and Ethereum ($ ETH) are two leading blockchain networks with active user bases of 11.5 million and 7.03 million respectively. Bitcoin acts as the leading blockchain for goals for the store, while Ethereum gets its user base because of its extensive smart contract functionality.
The rankings revealed data on Polygon ($ Pol), Ton ($ Ton) and Arbitrum ($ ARB) together with their user counts at 2.68 billion, 9.53 billion and 200 billion respectively. Multiple blockchain networks appear in this list because users are looking for Layer 2 solutions and scalable alternative blockchain networks.
The ranking consisted of unchangeable X ($ imx) Ronin ($ Ron) Celo ($ Celo) Optimism ($ on) and Avalanche ($ Avax), each obtaining more than a million active users. Multiple blockchain systems compete for user’s attention while the involvement of users records considerable user involvement according to the data.