Dear email lovers, we have something special for you. Do you remember the thrill of your first email address? Get ready to feel it again. We’ve partnered with EtherMail to bring you .ethermail domains – your new favorite inbox upgrade!
Tired of long, cryptic Ethermail email addresses? Simplify things with a personalized .ethermail domain like Easy, memorable and perfect for all your Web3 logins.
Imagine logging into Unstoppable with one click with your @ethermail address. No more hassle with passwords. Plus, your .ethermail domain gives you access to hundreds of apps, games, and metaverses. It’s your passport to the Web3 world!
But let’s talk about what really matters: your inbox. Say goodbye to old-world email addresses and hello to secure communications that put you in control of what you see. Enjoy email that respects your privacy and earn money with promotional marketing content.
Your .ethermail domain, created on Base, isn’t just for emails! Turn your .ethermail domain into a universal payment address, supported by popular wallets like Phantom and MetaMask. Build your profile and connect with others through Unstoppable Messaging, powered by XMTP, and group chats, powered by Push Protocol.
We don’t stop here. We are working with EtherMail on the .ethermail ICANN gTLD application. Our vision? To weave .ethermail into the fabric of the Internet.
Email lovers, this is your moment. Secure your .ethermail domain today and be at the forefront of the next email revolution!