Metamask, the popular self -intersection crypto wallet for the Ethereum (ETH) network, shared a flurry of announcements on Thursday, aimed at improving the user experience of the wallet.
Part of the renewed Metamask route map includes the addition of smart contract options to the current wallet. At present, Metamask is an external ownership account (EOA), a type of wallet that is governed by an audience and a private key. One of the most important fall with EOAs is that it is subject to human errors, which means that if you forget your private key, you lose your crypto interests in that account forever. The other type of wallet that exists on Ethereum is contract accounts (CAS), which are controlled by code and have recovery mechanisms and security checks for verifying transactions.
In a blog post shared during Ethdenver, the largest North American Ethereum conference, the Metamask team said: “Smart-contract-based accounts enable us to solve a number of problems: new powerful use of the assets you own, while at the same time the security is improved. When the user defines his conditions from his own programmable account, we greatly expand how the user expresses his agency on ways enforced by his own code. “
One of those new functions that are aimed at making the user experience on Metamask include ERC-5792, which builds on the current function, smart transactions. Under ERC-5792, or known as batched transactions, users can combine certain steps when it comes to draining transactions, such as “approving + swap” in one click, which means that they would save time and gas costs by batching those steps together.
Then Finlay, the co-founder of Metamask, told Coindesk that batching transactions “give us everything you are going to ask, we will present them to the user in a beautiful, uniform way. The user pays for one gas costs for the series of events and then it is only one block for the entire series of operations. “
Metamask -card
The Metamask team also shared that his Metamask payment pass will be available in selected States in the US from mid-March. The map is in production for a few months and was initially only available to users in the UK and the EU.
It connects to the Metamask wallet of a user, allowing them to spend their crypto.
“With your favorite tokens with your favorite protocol you can earn rewards or yield and have those funds available to spend everywhere where Mastercard is accepted with only a tick,” the team wrote in a blog post.
More support
As part of the theme of making the user experience easier, the Metamask team will add support for Bitcoin (BTC) and Solana (SOL) in its portfolios, which means that users can keep their different crypto assets in one place.
“So this at the same time deliver some of the most popular block chains, but they also ensure that we have smoothed each part of our interface with which new blockchains can be added seamlessly,” Finlay said in the interview.