Does the Future of Mental Health Lie in the Metaverse? A leading spatial computing health care platform has revealed the results of a study demonstrating the effectiveness in treating mental health issues using virtual reality therapy. To clarify, the study highlights the potential of VR technology to reduce stress and anxiety. Let’s take a closer look at that!
Mental Health in the Metaverse with VR Therapy
Anxiety disorders are an ongoing problem. In the United States alone, approximately 6.8 million adults live with generalized anxiety disorder. Meanwhile, 15 million adults have been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. Therefore, it is clear that there is a need for effective and accessible treatments for patients seeking relief.
Now, XRHealth has attempted to offer patients mental health treatment in their own homes. The study involved 61 participants who received “virtual retail therapy” or VR therapy exclusively in the metaverse. The participants’ ages ranged from 15.7 to 45.7 years, representing a wide range of gender identities. The VR study provided participants with relaxing environments, encouraged controlled breathing, promoted mindfulness, and improved physical fitness.
After the metaverse therapy study, participants noticed a 34% reduction in anxiety (particularly generalized anxiety disorder). Furthermore, they also observed a 32% decrease in stress levels. Most importantly, stress levels in participants aged 18 to 24 reported a massive 73% reduction!
So, are VR and spatial computing the future of therapy? XRHealth integrates licensed clinicians and advanced data analytics to provide comprehensive therapeutic care solutions for patients. And with the ability to virtually connect patients with clinicians, people from all over the world can be treated from the comfort of their own homes.
Mental health is a recurring issue in the Web3 space and thankfully initiatives like JOMO and CryptoMories are focused on supporting and facilitating mental health initiatives. Now, with mental health in the metaverse, we could look forward to a brighter future.