MegaOasis has launched its latest NFT collection entitled Solitude. Andhika Ramadhian’s series of four works was created to explore the sense of isolation and the growth opportunities that solitude can provide.
Solitude is the sixth collection launched on MegaOasis to date. The doors to the sale opened on April 27. One NFT is up for auction, two are for direct sale with limited quantities of up to nine, and one is for sale with no quantity limit. Tokens will remain available for two weeks. The available NFTs are:
- Sunshine: 100 NEO auction starting price, limit of 1
- Lost: 10 NEO fixed price, limit of 9
- Tumbling Light: 10 NEO fixed price, limit of 9
- Sailor: 5 NEO fixed price, no coin limit
MegaOasis is also hosting a giveaway on Twitter and celebrating the launch by offering entrants 20 Sailor NFTs.
Tumbling Light by Andhika Ramadhian
Andhika Ramadhian is a designer, digital artist and photographer from Indonesia. His work is often described as simple, minimal, surreal and makes heavy use of bright colors, which is meant to make the viewer think.
Ramadhian provides the following introduction to the Solitude collection:
“Solitude is perhaps the most natural exercise available to us. That is where we cultivate some of the most fertile states for the brain and mind, when we experience the greatest torments and the most comforting tranquility. Funny when you’re alone. Lucky or not, you behave the same.”