President Trump has just signed an executive order to evaluate the establishment of a strategic National Bitcoin and Crypto stock, and to prevent the development of a Central Bank of Digital Currency (CBDC) and at the same time stimulating the adoption of Stabilein.
The order, entitled “Strengthening American leadership in digital financial technology”, states that the administration supports “responsible growth” and the use of digital assets and blockchain technology.
The order withdraws the earlier digital activities of President Biden and creates a new working group that will coordinate and propose a uniform regulatory approach to digital assets within 180 days.
“The working group will evaluate the potential creation and maintenance of a national digital assets stock and propose criteria for determining such a stock, possibly derived from cryptocurrencies seized by the federal government by its law enforcement efforts.”
The executive order also requires that all federal agencies stop all actions with regard to the development of a digital version of the dollar supported by the government, while the US is analyzed private sector.
In the meantime, the Treasury Department, the Ministry of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission and other relevant agencies have 30 days to identify and submit all regulations, guidance documents, orders or other items that influence the digital assets sector.
American banks are also instructed to offer honest and open access to bank services for all authority-abiding individual citizens and entities in the private sector, in the midst of accusations that legitimate crypto companies were refused under the previous administration.
You can view the full executive order here.
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