The team behind Pixudi, a board racing party game, has launched XGuild, a new initiative aimed at helping game developers build and launch games on the Neo blockchain. XGuild’s mission is to provide comprehensive support, including marketing, development assistance and financial incentives.
XGuild plans to help developers with various aspects of creating and launching games. It provides marketing support through social media production and influencer partnerships to increase game visibility and reach a broader audience. In addition, XGuild hopes to provide tutorials and resources specifically tailored to building on the Neo blockchain.
To further support developers, XGuild will host events and tournaments designed to showcase games and attract and retain players, fostering a vibrant community. Members also have access to financial incentives, including play-to-earn opportunities and wagering rewards.
The first projects to join XGuild include Pixudi, World of Elements and the NEOBOX app store. Developers interested in joining the guild can now apply to join via Google Form.
Learn more about Neo XGuild by visiting the website below: